CBOC (Citizens Bond Oversight Committee)
- Ms. Tamuri Richardson, Business Organization, Vacaville, Chair
- Mr. Ward "Ace" Stewart, Vallejo
- Ms. Janet Roberts, Taxpayer's Association, Fairfield
- Ms. Dawn LaBar, Educational Foundation Organization, Fairfield
- Mr. Andre Stewart, Benicia
- Mr. Cary Leider, Construction & Trade Organization, Dixon
- Mr. Glenn Loveall, Construction & Trade Organization, Benicia
- Mr. Stephen Neff, Senior Citizen Organization
- Vacant, Student Association
Member Roster Information and Term Limits
If you are interested in joining the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee, please e-mail Priscilla Meckley-Archuleta at priscilla.meckley@letaoyizs.com.
Quarterly Reports
Date | Issue |
July, 2014 | CBOC Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 |
June, 2014 | CBOC Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 |
May, 2014 | CBOC Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 |